Jǿrgen @JavaOlAlt

Age 15, Male

Nesbru High School, Halvard To


Joined on 3/20/24

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Hey folks. I'm almost finished with the third episode of Cool Laid the mischievous adventures. It might take days, but be patient. I been putting my blood, sweet, tears into this achievable goal, and sensation. I might only put specific details about the episode. This episode will feature Cool Laid as usual, and it's going to be different from what you see in the other episodes, because this episode is more dark, then usual. If you think i have a innocent vibe from my videos and how it has a kid friendly card, you would be mistaken, because i have very insensitive, and probably not expectable to some people. If you hate this humor, please be discourage by me cartoons, and if you're going to hate my tasteful humor, i don't care what you say, I can take criticism, but if you take it too far of doxing or something even degraded, I will block you, I know blocking can't work, and they can make alt accounts; but it's fine. Let's escalate all of what im saying; lets talk about the new episode. So the episode starts with Cool Laid waking up in a house of murder, with blood on his forehead, the door opens in the house, and a chainsaw murderer occurs at the door and Cool Laid gets the realization, he is going to get murdered, with a decapitated head, maybe; and Cool Laid makes a backflip, and spontaneously gets two guns for some reason, and targets directly at the guy with a chainsaw, and shoots him two times, plus he punches him again two times. No further questions specifically more about the episode/animation. Here's my conclusion at the end of my paragraph; I think the third episode might be alot better then the first and second, just because at has more variety and more character arc towards Cool Laid, and more action, then it being scenes pasting in and out. And if you read it at the end thank you, this took a long time to type this out. Alright peace out folks.

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